Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Our Moldy Mess


            Last month our home went through a health diagnostic test to discover if my lung disease “trigger” lived within our own walls. Yup, to our shock and dismay!

            MOLD! An icky, filthy, dirty 4-letter word!

            We suspected some hid beneath our kitchen sink, but we had no idea it lurked in the attic, crawl space, and every room of our small ranch home.

            We own quite a SICK HOUSE!

            As grateful as we are to those who’ve reached out in sympathy, expressing they can’t imagine what it’s like going through this; I’d like to clarify what our moldy mess is, what it could be, and what it’s not.

            Yes, it’s an ordeal, a rather large bump in the road, a big inconvenience. Things like that, but not the end of the world (although our world is heading in that direction).

            It might be testing from God to see if we stay faithful and trust Him, or it just may be mold in our house that must GO! It also might be an attack from the enemy. He's "about that creative," but he'd like to hit us harder than this (I think). He has in the past.

            One caring fellow said, “This must be the worst thing you’ve ever been through!”

            Um, no. And thank you for putting that into perspective, sir. It made us come center on evaluating the awfulness of our sick house.

            We’ve been through much, much, much worse! And THOSE events? Likely persecution and spiritual warfare. Mold in our house? Neither, we don’t think. After all, there are so many terrible things that could’ve befallen us and haven’t. And, in light of the real persecution going on—particularly with Christians worldwide—how could we even THINK this holds a candle to what those tortured souls go through day in and day out?

            We’re away from our home. Yes. We are weary and worn. Yes. We don’t know what we’ll face task-wise when we reenter our home. BUT this is still just a very large bump in the road and inconvenience.

            So, thank you for your expressions of care and sympathy, but please know God will help us through this, just as He does with bigger challenges and smaller ones too.

            God is good; He is God.

            Now, may I share how God is working in our moldy mess situation?

            After the home health diagnostic test, our wallets lightened significantly.

            Next step? Get a hefty clean-air machine medically approved to meet my lungs’ needs. Done. Check. At that point, our bank account was crying real tears. At least I know I was. (Maybe I was just hearing myself whah-whah and thought it was coming from the bank.)

            Next? Hire a mold remediation company, so we did. Done. Check. Now we’re talkin’ mega-bucks, folks! Not only emptying our wallets but digging for buried treasure too (a super tough task in our very rocky, hard, Ozark soil).

            Brian and I married in 1978. We were both full-time missionaries at that time (still are). One of the commitments we made to God after our pledges to each other was the George Müller Principle. Is there such a thing?

            Okay. It doesn’t have that formal of a title, but it’s this: As did George Müller in the establishing of orphanages in 19th century Bristol, England, we would also—Ask God alone for our needs. No begging or pleading to others. He owns the cattle on a thousand hills, and His Holy Spirit would guide those who are able to give.

            Now, that’s a good principle, but here we were facing a bill that could be nearly as costly as buying one of our previous homes. Still, our belief—ask God alone. So, we did and shared in our missionary prayer letter that we’d be going through the mold abatement and God would supply. (That may have borderline broken the George Müller Principle as he didn’t even tell people the needs—just prayed.)

            God is able.

            It actually wouldn’t have mattered if the bill were $2K, $20K, or $200K because we had nothing. It was totally up to God to do this.

            We needed ½-down to set the date for mold abatement to begin. We didn’t have it yet. Unlike most contractors, the fellow said not to worry. He knew we’d have it in time.

            What a blessing to hear that!

            BUT, lo and behold, by the actual day the workmen showed up at our door, we had ½ —supplied by God through numerous people who sensed His leading! What a praise!

            As I write this, we’ve entered week 2 of this process, during which time we’re away from home. (No entry until it’s done and certified healthy!) God continues to send funds as we check our mail.

            Here’s the thing: God not only provides for our needs and always has, but He delights in doing so. Why? He so greatly loves us and, in this case, is concerned for my health as well as hubby’s and our son’s. I still cannot totally wrap my mind around the extent of His love and watch-care of His children.

            If you’re facing a huge need—or even a small one—and you’re one of God’s children, know without a doubt your Heavenly Father already has a plan for a good outcome. Sometimes His answers come quickly, sometimes slower, sometimes in a different way than we plan…

            …but GOD IS ALWAYS ON TIME. You can “take that to the bank!”

            Do you have a story to share how God met a need in your life? I’d love to hear it! And I have lots of time to read your replies while we wait in our home-away-from-home during this inconvenient bump in the road.


He Owns the Cattle on a Thousand Hills by John W. Peterson (1979)


He’s Able by Paul E. Paino (1958)

He's Able He's Able (


#mold #lungdisease #sickhouse #moldabatement #Godwillsupply #cattleonathousandhills

#tellGodyourneed #Heisable #GeorgeMüller #answeredprayer


  1. You and Brian are such a blessing g and encouragement. I still remember the story you presented to the children during g church time. The one I believe you said you had one potato and some peanut butter but nothing else. You left the house and when you came back there were groceries on your front steps

  2. Oh my. Thank you. Yes, we were down to 2 small potatoes and 1/2 jar of peanut butter. Thankfully, even though we were snowed in, God's answers to prayer traveled the snowy roads to us--and by days end we had 13 bags of groceries, a turkey, and an envelope with money for more. Our kids haven't forgotten that lesson either--all these 35 years later.
