Tuesday, July 11, 2023

It's Gonna Get "Betterer"

            Grandson TJ (age 4) marched up to the front of the sanctuary with all the other church kids because our son Stephen had prepared a gospel “magic” presentation for them. Beaming with pride, TJ announced to the kids, “THAT’S MY DAD!”

            He, having watched his dad practice all the tricks in advance, was warned NOT to give away any of the endings. Stephen did numerous tricks, then went to the one that makes everyone “ah” and clap.

            This particular trick illustrates what happens when sin enters a life. He began with a clean glass of water and dropped in the element that made the water a little dirty in appearance. Stephen then got ready to add more of the dirtying agent to show the accumulative effect of sin after sin.

            TJ could contain himself no longer. With each drop his dad prepared to add, this four-year-old cried out, “It’s gonna get worser!” And with each drop his arms became more animated with his caution, “It’s gonna get even worser!”

            And it did until the once clean water was as dark as dark could get.

            At this point in the trick, Stephen explained about Jesus coming into the world to die and take away our sins—that “worser” stuff we do—and that, when Jesus comes into a life (as Stephen then stood a red cross in the darkened water and with a few gentle stirs, the water became clear again), He makes it clean as new.

            Now, I cannot give away the secret to how this trick is done. My husband’s performed it for years, so I, too, know each time it’s gonna “get even worser” before it “gets betterer.” But, as Brian says, “A good magician never tells how he does his tricks, and a bad one doesn’t have to.” So from me? Mums the word.

            TJ warned those kids! And, yup, the whole situation “got worser.” But then the Cure!

            We’re living in a world where things are getting “worser and even worser,” and—although it may look like the causes are inflation & debt, cultural changes, leadership making horrible choices, this all comes down to a one-syllable word—SIN. We should be quaking in our boots with what’s to come as we spiral into what looks-to-be unrepairable oblivion. But…

            If you, like I, have Jesus in our lives, we’ve been made clean of that “worser” stuff—SIN, even though we must continue to go to the father to ask forgiveness when we blunder. And, because He’s the Good Father, loving Abba, that He is, He forgives again and again so that we can stand before Him clean—justified—as if we’d never sinned. Cleaned, just like the darkened water was by that red cross in the gospel “magic trick.”e’s

            But what about our world? It continues to get “worser and even worser.” If you’re a believer in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, you can rest assured in these Words from the Bible—God’s Holy Word:

            “Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself that where I am, there you may be also.” John 14:1-6*

            But what do we do while we await the day we join God in Heaven? He gives us promising Words for this also: “These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” John 16:33.*

            Maybe you’re reading this blog post and don’t know Jesus as your Lord and Savior. There’s HOPE for you too. You can ask Him into your life right now. Here are simple steps to know how to do that:

1)      Tell God you’re a sinner. (You can do this by praying, which is talking to Him. He already knows all about you and loves you to the extreme, so this won’t surprise Him. He wants you to know you can come to Him with this confession.)

2)      Let God know you’re sorry for the sins you’ve committed. (He is waiting to lift the load of sin from you. Remember, He died on the cross to take on the sins of the whole world’s people. Then He rose again to conquer death and offer us eternal life.)

3)      Acknowledge what God’s done for you—recognizing Jesus gave His Life to be the payment for your sin, and He rose from the dead. (And only Jesus—the God man—could come back to life. Otherwise, His death would hold no promise.)

4)      Ask Jesus to come into your heart and life. (He’s ready to do so, loves you, and desires to have a place in your heart and life.) And thank Him! (After all, you’ve just received the greatest Gift EVER!)

           If you took the steps above with a sincere heart, then your salvation is sealed. You’re now saved from those sins that once separated you from God!

            Thank You, Savior, for making the Way possible.

          Welcome to the family! Those of us who’ve already accepted Jesus’ free gift of salvation rejoice with you, as do the angels in Heaven!

            Now, this isn’t part of becoming saved, but I strongly recommend you go tell someone what you have done. After all, you’re now the bearer of tremendously good news in a broken world. Others need to know Him as their Savior too and—even if they don’t realize it—are searching for Hope.


“What a Day That Will Be” by Jim Hill, 1955—

You can listen to this great hymn now:

Jim Hill - What a Day That Will Be [Live] - YouTube

You may also see the afore mentioned “magic trick” performed

on my husband’s YouTube channel.

And, no, he won’t tell you how it’s done. So there!



#magictrick #salvationsteps #brokenworld #hopeinHeaven

*from the NKJV version of the Bible

(Photo Credit: Elizabeth Cloud Newsome)


  1. Replies
    1. You're welcome. And thanks for stopping by to read this. I appreciate that and you.

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you. I wish you could've seen the video of TJ. So animated!

  3. Thanks for this post!

    1. You're very welcome. Thank YOU for taking the time to read it.
