Tuesday, June 27, 2023

The Lovely Maguana Qualls

             May I introduce you to the lovely Maguana Qualls? I met this dear lady a dozen years ago when the beauty in her store window drew me inside. I ahhed at the beautiful items and flower arrangements that greeted shoppers. Immediately, I knew whoever ran this store had an artistic eye. The creations and layout were flawless.

            Then came a greeting from a few steps further behind a counter. “Hey!”

            Now, “hey” might seem a strange way to greet someone unless you’re “mountain.” I mean the Appalachian brand of mountain. That’s how everyone greeted each other when we lived in southeastern Kentucky, but we weren’t in that region of our “adopted hometown” now.

            We began a conversation. I learned “right quick” Maguana Qualls hailed from southeastern Kentucky, and although she’d left home eons before, the warmth of the mountain ways stayed with her as customers could’ve just as well been “kinfolk.” I felt very at home in her presence.

            I also recognized this lady was my sister in Christ—the next reason I warmed to her, making us genuine blood-bought kin. Maguana radiated Jesus! So, although our income didn’t allow me to be a frequent buyer in her lovely shop, sometimes I popped in just to say “hey!”

            When again God prepared us for another ministry move, I stopped by one last time to purchase something-Maguana to take with us. And, although, this lovely lady never made great profit from my purchases, I became richer through knowing her.

            I reconnected with Maguana a few years later via social media. On Facebook she posted vignettes which only affirmed what I’d already learned—that this lovely lady’s heart hungered after the Savior she inordinately loved.

            Then tragedy! Flames engulfed Maguana’s store, leaving it in complete ruins.

            Here’s where I’ll turn the story over to the lovely lady herself, as I’ve asked Maguana to share her testimony—how God ministered to her during huge loss and what He brought out of the flames.

            “I've been a Christian since I was 17 years old. That doesn't mean I was always on the straight and narrow path. There were a few times I strayed but not too far. I love my God, and I love serving Him.

            We all go through trials in our life that strengthen our faith. My faith was really tested when we lost our flower shop due to a fire in March of 2022. I could have questioned why and maybe I still do a little, and I could have been mad or upset with God, but I chose not to. In fact, I was calm and serene. I realized I'd lost something, but that something was just material things.

            God provided an empty store front the day after the shop burned. I never once looked back. I just moved forward and still am because I know my God will take care of me. Something beautiful came from those ashes on July the 4th a year ago when we reopened. I thank God every day for the business He gives me, but mostly I thank Him for loving me.

            God’s love always shows up when we are troubled … changes everything and everyone who receives it … protects and breathes life and purpose into every minute of every day. God’s love is a gift beyond measure that surrounds us and covers us when life falls apart—and even when life is good.

            Do not believe the lies of the enemy when he tells you that your God has forsaken you. God is with you—Emmanuel. He endured the cross, completely, and alone because He loves you. No one can take your place in the Father’s Heart. God knows your pain, and He understands. God created you and paid for your sin for one reason alone—He loves you, and True Love always shows up.” —Maguana Qualls 

“All my heart to Him I give—Ever to Him I’ll cling,

In His blessed presence live—Ever His praises sing.

Love so mighty and so true—Merits my soul’s best songs;

Faithful, loving service, too—To Him belongs.

Love lifted me, Love lifted me—When nothing else could help, Love lifted me.”


(from hymn “Love Lifted Me” by James Rowe, 1912, public domain)

#MaguanQualls #shop #fire #God’sLove #theFathersHeart

(Photo used with permission.)


  1. My Neighbor a Very nice story, well written. Ed 😊

    1. I love this beautiful lady. She always has a smile and her energy just fills inside of yourself. She is a blessing ❤️

  2. Great article about a sweet. Wonderful and God loving lady. Such a amazing word on her Facebook everyday. Straight from the heart and always in point. She has one of the sweetest souls I’ve ever met. Not to mention her adorable snort when she laughs.BTW.
    By the way, I called her lovely Maguana first lol

    1. Snort-snort!!! (Smile.) OK. You have 1st right to the "lovely" bit. Thank you for reading.

  3. My sister in Christ my precious friend

  4. Very nice wonderful lady.
