Tuesday, June 4, 2024

King of the Broken-Hearted

             In the Kingdom of Snowdenia in the universe of Real lived a tiny princess.*

            Now, to be a princess in and of itself bears a specialness as well as great responsibility. But this particular subject carried a heavy load, which was not easy for one so small.

            Princess of Snowdenia, you see, entered the universe of Real with a broken heart. In fact, much of her heart was missing! So, carrying out her royal duties was so much more difficult for one this size. And oh, how hard it was for the princess to understand the load she must carry and never lay down! Sometimes this made her stomp her foot and pout—even scream and cry!

            Oh dear!

            But this princess was blessed with family who loved her and wanted her to live life to the full. They would do anything for her, even wishing to carry the load of a broken heart because for them, even though loads are heavy, their princess is not. Not to them anyway.

            But the family needed lots of help, for Princess required so many things others never do. Most of all the family needed prayer warriors. An army worth! Those who’d pray for the princess when she went to the place called Hospital for the Small, where she must go and stay sometimes more sleeps than she was able to count.

            Oh yes, many in this army were tall, but some smaller—much akin to the princess. And one mustn’t be fooled into thinking the tot-sized warriors** cannot reach Heaven with their prayers. For these who bowed before the King of the universe did so believing full-heartedly that this benevolent One listens to them, just as He does the tall.

            Thus again, the Snowdenian princess will go through what is called Open Heart Surgery—this her third—so that the princess can continue to grow, play, learn, and journey through life with as much as can be fixed.

            But, dear me, she will always carry her load—this very fragile heart!

            So, prayer warriors in the universe of Real, this one who writes comes to you with a most important assignment as you request of the King on the princess’s behalf. For ’tis the King of Real, all created beings, and things Who truly brings the miracles of each day to the princess.

            And it is He Who knows full well about her very broken heart and all she needs as she journeys each day throughout Snowdenia and beyond. He loves her and knew the load she’d carry before she was born, and He cares greatly for this one He created and calls perfect, good, child.

            Sometimes, though, princes’ and princesses’ families ache with a tall-sized hurt for their small ones in ways no others in the kingdom can understand. They weep, they fear, and they wonder if their royal one will see the dreams blossom that their prince or princess planted.*

            Oh, how it helps to know the King, to cry out to Him, and to read the Book He’s authored and given to help them and all who hurt for the fragile little princess! Yes, this wonderful Book speaks to their hearts, which are also breaking. Yet, they know deep, deep down inside the King of Real—of all living creatures and things—speaks to them, cares about them, carries them—just as they carry their little princess.

            You see, this King understands the issue of broken hearts because He had one. He also understands what it’s like to carry such a heavy load—for all who journey this treacherous path. So, He most excellently cares for them. (Psalm 147:3)

            And the King whispers and tells them they can cast all their cares and anxieties on Him because He cares about them and loves them beyond what they can fully understand. (I Peter 5:7)

            The King is ready to carry all our cares. So, this one in another kingdom who writes to you today asks you to close your eyes and picture yourself dumping whatever load you carry at the feet of the King—leaving it there and letting Him do with it what He shall.

I Cast All My Cares by Maranatha Music ( lyric Video ) Pls. support the artists (youtube.com)

            Now, back to the princess of Snowdenia!

            She cannot lay down her load as she wakes up each day with a broken heart and especially this week when she climbs into her royal coach and journeys to the place called Hospital for the Small for her very long stay—longer than she can count sleeps. Parents, grandparents, other family too, doctors, nurses, and more will come to her aid.

            This week and beyond in your particular kingdom in the universe, as this little princess comes to mind, will you join the prayer army of tall and small on the princess’s behalf? For her parents, sibling, grandparents, doctors, nurses, and all who attend to the needs of this tiny royal one?

            Will you ask the King—Maker of all and mighty Healer—to help this family with the anticipation, nervousness, fears, worry? For it’s not easy to place their child in the hands of others. Yet sometimes they must, even if it’s oh so hard.

            On behalf of the princess and all her royal subjects, thank you for carrying this very difficult load to the King, Healer of broken hearts—and for faithfully doing so for more sleeps than you can count.


“Come, my soul, with ev’ry care, Jesus loves to answer prayer;

He Himself has bid thee pray, therefore will not turn away.


Thou art coming to a King, large petitions with thee bring;

For His grace and pow’r are such none can ever ask too much…”


(from the hymn Come, My Soul, with Every Care by John Newton, c. 1779, public domain)


JULY 2nd, 2024


Please keep her family & all who loved her in prayer.

Thank you so much!

#heartwarrior #openheartsurgery #HLHS #Fontan #brokenhearts

#GodtheHealer #Bible #childrenshospital



Photo credits:

*D&M Snowden—

**Cori Ausenhus

(used with permission)



  1. Wow, this is beautiful. You should try writing a blog. I would imagine a lot of people would like to read this amazing story and might even read it to their little ones to help them understand these conditions. With amazing love you tell a true to life story. I love it and will share. God bless.

  2. I'll consider it (smile)! Thank you for your kind words. Yes, hopefully this will help and gather prayer warriors on the family's behalf.

  3. Just beautiful! Thank you for sharing. We are praying for Princess Everly...🙏🙏🙏

    1. Thank you so much. This means much to the family, I'm sure.

  4. Replies
    1. Greatly appreciated, dear one who also understands hard struggles done with love.

  5. Beautiful story!

    1. Thank you! The family have made it such by their godly example.

  6. How precious. Heavy on my heart. Praying, and others I know are praying too. May God's will be done! He loves Everly! He loves all of you.

    1. Thank you. Heavy on all our hearts for sure...for this special family! Yes, God's will be done.

  7. Beautifully said!
