Thursday, February 9, 2023

Someone's Standing on My Desk

            I don’t stand on my desk, but I sit at it often. Then why haven’t you heard from me in years? Because I “fell off my chair.” Not literally, but I admit I lost my passion for writing.

A heart-wrenching blow, caregiving for my elderly mother-in-love and already-challenged son going through chemotherapy, long-term pneumonia, and three moves all took their toll. During those years, I stored away my writing necessities—the person standing on my desk too.

Autumn 2020, God nudged me. “Write.”

“But, God, hundreds of writers do this better than I.”

His Holy Spirit ministered to my weary soul until I answered. “I’ll write, but please tell me what because I have no idea!”

Christmas 2020 passed as did New Year’s Day 2021. Soon afterward our son came to hubby and me. “I want to write my story, but I don’t know how. Will you help me?”

I recognized this immediately as God’s answer to His and my conversation weeks earlier.

We didn’t start right away. I actually didn’t think our son could do this. He’s developmentally disabled and has inoperable brain cancer—making this a huge challenge. Yet, before 2022 ended, with me as his scribe and both parents editing, he submitted a manuscript to his literary agent.

It wasn’t until I worked with our son and dug through piles of records that I found the someone who used to stand on my desk—reminding me: Never quit.

So, who’s this mystery person?

            Dave Dravecky—his image captured on a baseball card! Not only did he face cancer once, but eventually his cancer-eaten arm was amputated. No, he couldn’t pitch anymore, but he didn’t quit life either.

In their books, Comeback and When You Can’t Come Back, Dave and his wife Jan share what a life-changing, death-facing devastation does and how God uses those for His glory.

I needed those reminders.

God didn’t give us our trials, heart-ache, and brokenness for naught. In those useful times He carried us, grew us, and renewed our purpose.

So, I’m standing on God’s Promises and never on my desk. He’ll lead me on the writing journey, and—hopefully—I’ll listen to His Call.

And Dave? He’ll keep standing on my desk! 

“Standing on the promises I cannot fall,

List’ning ev’ry moment to the Spirit’s call,

Resting in my Savior as my all in all,

Standing on the promises of God." 

(Hymn, “Standing on the Promises,” by Russell K. Carter—1886—Public Domain) 

#hopeinGod #Dave Dravecky #lifestruggles #cancer #writing #Minsmanuscript


  1. We pray that this BLOG and the other - Hope Notes for Hurting Folks - will be an encouragement to all.

    1. Amen. Thank you to my favorite fella for all the help, time, and patience you gave to see this happen! Love always!

  2. So glad to see you conquered the tech demons, Sarah. I hope someone invents an easier way to blog for us Baby Boomers who actually remember party lines on our telephones...telephones with cords. I used a manual typewriter in typing class my senior year in high school. I missed out on taking the shorthand course and felt ill prepared. Now, no one even knows what shorthand is! LOL

    1. Barbara, thank you for your cheerleading! I'm also from that same time period, and I've never grasped full understanding of the tech stuff. Hey, we didn't have computers in our covered wagons. Right? Now it's your turn.

  3. I don’t know how I missed your email! I just read it. Must have been that pesky lung surgery I had on January 31. I have my blog template set up…now I just need to name it and write the post. Then send it by stagecoach. lol

    1. I'm sorry I missed your comment until now. Oops me. Sorry to hear about your lung surgery. Wow. Hope you've been able to navigate the blog set up and made progress.
